Dilma Rousseff
The current president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff is a fervent Transcendental Meditation practitioner, and she also recommends it to the public. She once said: “I am going jogging to keep my body healthy, and I do Transcendent Meditation to keep my mind healthy.”
Some of the largest Transcendental Meditation teaching projects in the world are happening in Brazil, including an ongoing project to teach the TM technique as part of the curriculum in all 38.000 public schools in the country.
Some successful TM practitioners

What people are saying

I have done so many meditation courses, but there was always something that felt not right; I missed something. I did not feel satisfied. When I learned TM, it felt just like coming home to me. Finally I have found it.

This technique is truly one of a kind.
I am meditating now for almost 30 years and my general health is excellent, especially when compared to my peers. Not only did it make my creativity grow remarkably, but also my ability to deal with a team of employees and actors in an inspiring and stimulating way.
I am still amazed on a daily basis to see how such a simple, natural technique can generate so many positive effects. And it is also nice to do.