How do I learn Transcendental Meditation?
Anyone can learn Transcendental Meditation. It is easy and enjoyable to practice and gives immediate results.
Transcendental Meditation is taught according to ancient methods that naturally allow the mind to experience the most fulfilling state in its own true nature. There is no need for a long period of practice, because the process is natural and intuitive. This means that anyone can learn TM, regardless of cultural, religious or educational background, and the results are usually noticed immediately. Twenty minutes twice a day is enough to produce the desired effects.
Personal guidance is necessary.
Every person is unique, and therefore the experience of meditation is different for every individual. This is why the personal guidance of a trained Transcendental Meditation teacher is necessary. When meditation is taught in a correct, personalized way, the process develops naturally and effortlessly, and only then can the greatest effects be obtained.
Once you have learned this perfectly natural technique, you can practice it on your own, but whenever any additional guidance is needed, it is available free of charge from any TM center in the world. The need for further guidance differs from person to person, but the important point is that the guidance is always available.
TM Course Phase 1: Learning the technique
Learning Transcendental Meditation happens in 7 steps, spread over 4-5 sessions of about 2 hours over 4-5 consecutive days.
1. Introduction seminar: An overview of the long-term effects of TM practice. All the information you need to decide whether you want to learn the TM technique, including question and answer session. (Free/without obligation 1 1/2 hours).
2. Preparatory lecture: More details about the exact mechanics of the Transcendental Meditation technique in preparation for learning (30 min). Usually the preparatory lecture is given on the same evening as the introduction seminar.
3. Personal interview: Individual meeting with your TM teacher and the opportunity to discuss private questions (10-15 min).
4. Personal instruction: The actual instruction in the Transcendental Meditation technique. (1 1/2 hours)
5-7. Three follow-up sessions: Verification of the correct practice of the TM technique and acquiring more knowledge, based on the growing experiences of meditation (2 hours per session, on 3 consecutive days after personal instruction)
TM Course Phase 2: Follow-up
The follow-up is optional but recommended. A 6-month follow-up is included in the course fee.
Transcendental Meditation is a do-it-yourself technique, and therefore the follow-up is entirely without obligation. However, the general experience is that the results are better if you are regularly making use of the follow-up program.
First 6 months: A weekly to monthly follow-up is recommended to verify the correctness of the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique and to gain more knowledge about its effects.
Residence courses : These courses usually take place during the weekend. They are an excellent opportunity to deepen our experience of meditation, deepen the understanding of its mechanisms, and gain greater appreciation of our TM practice. They include the learning of some simple yoga postures, breathing exercises and group meditations that enhance the effects of TM. These courses also include discussions of experiences and video lectures on the multiple benefits brought by the daily regular practice of TM. Such a course can be taken at favorable financial conditions within the year that follows the TM instruction. Room and board are at the costs of the participant.
TM course fee: The TM course fee includes the learning sessions and the follow-up program, around 15 hours in total. In order to make Transcendental Meditation available to as many people as possible, the course fee takes into account the financial situation of each participant. It is set in a brief personal interview at the end of step 1.
Standard fee: CHF 1800.- (up to CHF 600.- reduction depending on economic and social situation)
Couples/families: CHF 2700.- (children below age 18)
Students/apprentices up to 28: CHF 800.-
Children between 10 and 16: CHF 600.-
Children up to 10: CHF 400.-
Payment by monthly installments is available on request.
Where can I learn Transcendental Meditation in Switzerland?
To find the nearest Transcendental Meditation center, and to contact your local Transcendental Meditation teacher for a free, no-obligation introduction seminar on the TM technique, go to Where can I learn Transcendental Meditation?
“I am already practicing TM for 37 years, and I still enjoy it every day. It has given me so much energy that I could build a successful career in sales, and, on top of that, I have built two houses and six apartments, all by myself, in my spare time. If someone would offer me 10.000 Euro to stop with TM, I would not consider it, not even for a second.”
Johan Claes, Senior Account Manager of an international software company.
Some successful TM practitioners

What people are saying

I have done so many meditation courses, but there was always something that felt not right; I missed something. I did not feel satisfied. When I learned TM, it felt just like coming home to me. Finally I have found it.

This technique is truly one of a kind.
I am meditating now for almost 30 years and my general health is excellent, especially when compared to my peers. Not only did it make my creativity grow remarkably, but also my ability to deal with a team of employees and actors in an inspiring and stimulating way.
I am still amazed on a daily basis to see how such a simple, natural technique can generate so many positive effects. And it is also nice to do.